Do Fitness Trackers Really Work?
My blogIt wasn’t that long along where people either tracked the number of steps they took in a day with a pedometer or simply did not track this information at all. In today’s fitness world, you are going to be hard pressed to find an individual without a fitness tracker at the gym, in your favorite fitness class or at your local track. Fitness trackers, whether they are attached to your wrist, ankle, neck or chest, have essentially become part of our daily wardrobe. But, do these fitness trackers really work? Let’s take a look at everything you need to know before you commit to one.
Just How Popular are Fitness Trackers?Many of us do not leave our homes without our fitness trackers. In a survey conducted by the NPD Group, results indicated that 58 percent of women intend to purchase one of these devices in the near future. What features are most sought after when it comes to purchasing a fitness tracker?
Calorie counting
Tracking the number of steps you take in a dayT
hese are just a few of the basic features you’ll find on a fitness tracker. Some fitness trackers go as far as to track how well you are sleeping at night.
Why Fitness Trackers Work?
Research indicates that if you want to stick with Fitness Coach dubai a new habit (such as taking regular walks), monitoring is one of the best ways to change your old habits and stick with your new habits. As a result, the benefits of fitness trackers may seem like a no-brainer to some. These fitness trackers have taken the guess work out of keeping track of physical activity on your own. The set up of these fitness trackers is very easy and monitoring your own healthy habits has never been easier. Taking the guess work out of fitness monitoring is working. A recent study prevented at a meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine indicates that individuals who use pedometers are much more likely to spend less time sitting and more time being active than those who do not. Additionally, individuals who use fitness trackers lose more weight than individuals that are not sporting a fitness tracking device.
Fitness trackers also put into perspective how much you are actually walking. It may seem like you are parked a mile away from your office when it reality you are much, much closer. When estimating your physical activity on your own, chances are you overestimate how much physical activity you are actually doing. Fitness trackers provide you with the real numbers and bring you back to reality. With objective information, you can get more specific about the lifestyle changes you need to make in order to achieve your health and fitness goals.